Want A Winning Trading System?

How To Build A Winning Trading System

July 14 How To Develop Winning Trading Systems That Fit You Workshop By Van Tharp Trading Institute

If you want consistency and would like to make profits from the market, you’ll want to attend this workshop. We’ll show you little-known, closely guarded secrets that you’re not likely to find on your own!

Do You Want Bigger and More Consistent Profits From the Market?

If you want consistency and would like to make profits from the market, you’ll want to attend this workshop. We’ll show you little-known, closely guarded secrets that you’re not likely to find unless you accidentally stumble upon them yourself.

Are you a low-risk investor who just wants to make small, consistent profits each month with only an occasional loss? We can show you how to develop a system that will allow you to develop a unique methodology that will give you that kind of consistency!

Are you a gutsy trader who’d like to make yearly profits of 100%, 200% or even 1,000% per year? Although risky, it is possible, and we can show you how to do it! The interesting thing is that you can do it in such a way that the only money you’re risking is the money you’ve already made from the market. That’s real leverage!

Why Develop My Own System? Isn’t It Easier to Just Go Buy a System With Proven Results?

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of trading systems that work. But most people, after purchasing a preexisting system, will not follow the system and trade it exactly as it was intended. Why not? Because the system doesn’t fit them or their style of trading.

One of the biggest secrets of successful trading is finding a trading system that fits you. In fact, Jack Schwager, after interviewing enough “market wizards” to write two books, concluded that the most important characteristic of all good traders was that they had found a system of methodology that was right for them.

When someone else develops a system for you, you don’t know what biases they might have. Developing your own system allows for compatibility with your own beliefs, objectives, personality, and edges.

Furthermore, most of the system development software for sale really encourage some of the trading biases that I see as detrimental to overall trading success.

For example, give a system developer enough leeway and that person will have a system that perfectly predicts the moves in the market and makes thousands of dollars on paper with certain historical markets. Most software allows people to optimize to their heart’s content. Eventually, they will end up with a meaningless system that makes a fortune on the data from which it was obtained but performs miserably in real trading.

Most system development software is designed because people want to know the perfect answer to the markets. They want to be able to predict the markets perfectly. As a result, you can buy software now for a few hundred dollars that will allow you to overlay numerous studies over past market data. Within a few minutes, you can begin to think that the markets are perfectly predictable. And that belief will stay with you until you attempt to trade the real market instead of the historically optimized market. Many trading accounts have plummeted from this very thinking. One “sure-thing” trade placed without a proper position sizing™ algorithm can wipe some traders completely out of the game.

Only about 5% of the world’s traders and 20% of the world’s investors, consistently make big money. What these winners do is not complex. In fact, simplicity is one of the keys to making money. And you can do it too! I’ve modeled this process and can teach you how to develop your own trading system that fits your own style of trading.

Our objective in this workshop is to teach you what you need to know to develop your own system or to modify one that someone else created. The curriculum is based on learning the process of developing a system – not learning any specific system for a particular market or time-frame. This “nuts and bolts” level of system information will help you understand how to build a system from the ground up or modify a system developed by someone else to better fit you. So much of what is marketed as trading systems, however, is not the “complete package” including all of the parts a trading system should have to function. Attending this workshop will help you evaluate available trading systems either directly or through workshops. VTI’s workshop instructors are required to offer complete systems and to remove their personal biases and non-useful beliefs about prediction from their systems. Just knowing more about the proper functioning of trading system elements and the system as a whole can help you better trade systems for Forex, Equities, or Futures whether you place 50 trades per day or 50 trades per year.

Workshop Winning Trading Systems

July 14 How To Develop Winning Trading Systems That Fit You Streaming Workshop

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