Peak Performance Trading Online Workshop September 11 2020

Peak Performance Trading Online Workshop

Peak Performance 101 Streaming Workshop By Van Tharp Trading Workshop

Crisis Equals Opportunity

Fear abounds in the world right now as most people are in some sort of lockdown mode due to the coronavirus pandemic.

At the same time, tremendous opportunities exist in the market and few people are taking advantage of them. But you can be different. How?

You can take our Peak Performance 101 Workshop at your leisure from the comfort of your home to help you move past your fear and take advantage of the opportunities.

Central governments are pouring money into their economies and inflating their currencies. If you do nothing, then your total net worth could go down by 50% or more from where it is now – and quite rapidly. But the successful people of the world don’t keep their money in cash – they invest in assets that yield a return no matter what the currency does and they invest in their education. Education and ‘know-how” is probably their most important form of investment – it allows them to identify and exploit opportunities regardless of the external environment. The Peak Performance 101 workshop is exactly such an investment – by helping you overcome self-sabotage. Such a paradigm shift will totally change your life.

But you can’t travel and we can’t host a bunch of people in our training facility due to pandemic restrictions. We see the pandemic restrictions as an opportunity for a whole lot of people who have found it hard to travel to North Carolina or to budget the time or money for a Peak Performance101 workshop. Van has changed his approach for this workshop and instead of three days of an intensive in-person workshop, we are changing the course a series of weekend webinar-based classes. Each weekly break between classes gives you plenty of time to work through all of the issues you need to process. You can take the classroom part at your leisure in your time zone, and then have days to do the homework necessary to make the transformations stick.

For our live workshops, we had a classroom limitation of 30 people. As a result of moving the course online, however, we can share it with more people. As a result, we are going to take a chance and reduce the price of the class substantially.

Go To September 11 2020 Peak Performance 101 Streaming Workshop

Benefit from Van Tharp’s Decades of Experience Coaching Top Traders:

Dr. Tharp is the most consistent, astute, and systematic researcher of human behavior you will ever meet. He has personally interviewed thousands of top traders to determine what factors help them excel in their profession and he has collected extensive psychological profiles from over 5,000 traders and investors.

He pioneered the trading coach field and while others coach traders today, Dr. Tharp conceptualized a thorough trading success model and supporting processes 30 years ago. He carefully crafted the model so that people like you can understand it, adopt it, and dramatically improve your skills. In fact, when Jack Schwager interviewed 16 of the world’s best traders in his original Market Wizards book, he interviewed only one trading coach –  Dr. Tharp.

Attend this online course where you will learn from the best in the world!

Join the thousands of fortunate traders and investors who have already learned the secrets of Dr. Tharp’s carefully researched model for successful trading through this workshop. Discover the incredible improvements that adopting this model can make for your trading profits and in your life. That is the amazing thing about Dr. Tharp’s model that we have consistently heard from people after attending Peak Performance 101 — not only will it teach you how to enhance your earnings, but it will also likely help you to become more successful in all aspects of your life, as well.

Dr. Tharp was an innovator when he began his studies of traders and the trading process. He’s still innovating today continually improving upon what he teaches and how he explains.

“If you have a fairly successful system for trading or investing, then I can show you how to obtain more consistent performance from that system with less risk. In short, I will show you what peak performance trading is all about!” — Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

What Can You Expect to Learn?

Seven money-making benefits are waiting for you at Peak Performance 101.

They will help you keep your losses smaller, make more consistent profits, and be more relaxed about your trading!

1.The three ingredients of success.

You must know these ingredients, at least at an unconscious level, if you are to prosper. These three mental ingredients are a must in any task you do to perform like a “Market Wizard.” Most people have no idea they exist which is why success can be so difficult to duplicate. After the Peak Performance 101 workshop, however, you will thoroughly understand how these ingredients can help you fulfill your life. Most of all, you will know how you can manage them.

“The day after leaving the Peak Performance Course, I made $2,400 in trading profits. What impressed me was the level of calm I was able to achieve using the techniques learned in the course. No serious trader should consider trading for a living without the benefit of your seminar. I have a whole new outlook on my future, both trading and personal.”— H.W., NY

“I just wanted you to know how much I took your “million dollar” ideas from the Peak Performance 101 seminar to heart. Today marked one month since the seminar, and I have realized a 37.5% return on my entire portfolio (true return, not annualized), most of that in the past two days. I am fired up. Now I have to deal with those capital gains taxes. Oh well.” 
— P.S., FL

2. The components of a low-risk idea.

The trick to compounding your personal wealth is to trade low-risk ideas. Low-risk ideas are found everywhere—not just in conservative investments. In fact, a great deal of wealth is made from following low-risk ideas in what most people typically think of as high-risk instruments like options and futures. Understanding how to find low-risk ideas and execute them is probably not what you think.

3. Why Position Sizing™ strategies are so critical to your bottom line results!

Have you heard of position sizing strategies? Do you know what that means? Very few people understand this critical concept even though it means the difference between consistent top financial performance and mediocre financial performance for most people. Understanding position sizing strategies enables you to better reach your returns objectives while avoiding drawdowns. We will teach you how to do position-sizing-based trading so that if you want, you will have the same risk and exposure in the market day after day. Think about how calm you could be, knowing that your risk is always manageable every day.

“The discussions about money management were unexpected and worth the price of admission by itself.” — M.S., CA

4. 15+ ways to develop rock-solid discipline in your trading.

Discipline means controlling your mental state. Unfortunately, most people allow their psychological state to control them. In contrast, real winners maintain regulation that will enable them to charge ahead when others on the field are getting scared or angry or greedy. If you play in a zero-sum trading game like futures, you need to know every technique that will help you succeed. These are the real secrets that separate the successful traders and investors from the average person in the markets.

“Fabulous course. It will have a major, positive impact on my trading success and will also require that I change some of the ways I do things. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve their understanding of how their psychology affects their success.”— F.L., Sharpsburg, GA

5. Dr. Tharp’s Top Tasks of Trading.

What if you knew exactly what 12 steps you had to take on a daily and recurring basis for successful trading and investing? You’ll get these tasks at this workshop – and how to execute each one. Here is a partial list of the ten tasks we will help you master:

  • Develop your low-risk ideas,
  • Stalking,
  • Mental rehearsal,
  • Self-analysis,
  • Aborting,
  • and, best of all—taking profits.

During Peak Performance 101, Dr. Tharp will help you install this Top Tasks model so you can know how to trade like the most successful traders in the world. You will have tools at your disposal that the average investor or trader never even thinks about.

6. How to act quickly with sureness and confidence.

The best traders and investors have one trait in common—extreme confidence in what they are doing. Confidence is the one quality you must develop to attain your peak level of performance. At the Peak Performance 101 Workshop, you will learn how to create the kind of confidence only the best traders and investors have.

7. How to develop a plan for trading that will set you way above the crowd.

Particular disciplines—specific techniques used within a specific structure—give professional traders and investors the edges over amateur investors. Dr. Tharp understands these disciplines. He is an expert at coaching others to use them.

“After spending three days with Van, I came away with one belief that saved my career: only low-risk trades will keep you in the game!” — H.W., NY

“An absolute must for anyone wanting to become a consistently successful trader.”— Alex Rudolph

“For me, this was a revisit of the course. As a trader, you can never go wrong by repeating this course. Every trader should do it. The fact that they do not give me an edge in the market!”— Kevin Thomas

“I liked identifying my beliefs and finding out the conflicts between beliefs and reality.”— L. Farrier

Workshop Objectives:

Students will learn and begin to understand each of these objectives after attending Peak Performance 101

  • How great traders approach their craft and determine a daily procedure that resembles what they do.
  • How you create your own experience in the market and how you are responsible for the results that you get.
  • Become more aware of some of your psychological issues that affect your performance as a trader/investor.
  • Learn about expectancy, position sizing strategies and the power of big R-multiples through a simulation game. This game is also designed to help you observe your emotions in a setting in which only a small amount is at stake compared with what you will face in the market.
  • Learn some of the variables that affect your emotions and how you can gain control over them.
  • Learn to overcome self-sabotage through exercises done in the class.
  • Students will get guidance on how to develop an ongoing program to work on themselves using the Super Trader Program as a model.
  • Students will leave with a plan to make the maximum use of the workshop.
  • During the live stream, you will work in groups and meet people who have a lot in common with each other. 
Peak Performance Trading Online Workshop

September 11 2020 Peak Performance Trading Online Workshop

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