March 24 2021 Forex Trading Stream Workshop

Forex Trading Systems Streaming Workshop

Forex Trading Systems Streaming Workshop Van Tharp Trading Institute

The Opportunity:

Over the coming years, Van Tharp foresees excellent trading opportunities in the currency market because of several big-picture forces. Primarily, central banks will not only pump more fresh money into the markets, but will continue their attempts to influence the relative value of their currencies against other currencies. Combine that with the imbalances caused by trade and debt levels, and we have a currency market that promises great trading opportunities with stable trends for the years to come.

Add to this attractive volatility one important, very practical, and positive point for individuals: Forex has evolved into a market in which individual investors can trade efficiently. That wasn’t always the case. Some 20 years back it used to make little sense for individual traders to trade currencies because you had to have a significant amount of capital to open a Forex trading account, which was only available at big money-center banks. The expansion of the Forex market over the last decade, however, has made the Forex market by far the biggest and most liquid financial market that can be traded. It is very accessible with low transaction costs and easy to navigate for individuals on a global scale over the 24h cycle. This large group of retail traders has complemented the ever-existent institutional trading to create an even larger and more liquid market for currency exchange. Think about complementing your Stock, ETF, Futures or Options trading/investing with Forex – a very special asset class of its own.

Van Tharp Institute clients have been requesting this Forex Trading Workshop consistently for many years. This three-day workshop will show you what it takes to trade Forex and send you home with three trading systems—and even a good amount of hands-on trading experience through simulation. Plus, two days of add-on live trading if you choose! But not only that, this time Gabriel offers for free a 3rd live trading day during which you will learn all about Cryptocurrencies and how to trade them.

Top Ten Reasons to Trade Forex

As recently as the early 2000s, a “veil of mystery” shrouded Forex trading.

Many traders had beliefs that sounded something like these:

  • Forex is the “supreme discipline” of banks & hedge funds . . . I am just an individual trader. 
  • A 24 hour-market? How will I work and sleep if I have to watch the market around the clock? 
  • Trading currencies mean trading entire economies . . . that’s too much to follow or understand. 
  • I have too little capital to be able to compete on a level playing field with the big boys.

Fast forward to now — I still hear those kinds of statements today even though everything about the currency market has completely changed. What is the reality of Forex trading then today? Since the US federal government deregulated Forex trading (Foreign Exchange or FX) for retail traders in 2000 (the CFMA act), the market has more than quadrupled in size and transformed completely making it easily accessible to retail traders.

If you aren’t trading Forex in any way right now, here are the Top Ten Reasons why you should consider it:

1.     Have you ever been stuck in a position overnight dreading the large gap at the open? 

FX is a very large, very liquid market that trades around the clock, so opening gaps are effectively eliminated during the week.

2.     How often do you have trouble finding a decent trend?

You can always find good trends in FX because oceans of money are flowing between countries as the relative strength of their economies changes constantly. In addition, the wide-array of the timeframe to trade will allow you to always identify a trend.

3.     What if you can only trade for the part of the day that doesn’t work well (or doesn’t work at all) for your market?

Trade the 24h FX-market at a time of the day that fits your schedule best. Gabriel has students all around the world trading FX in their individual timezone wherever they might live.

4.     Are you tired of slippage, partial fills, and running up large trading commissions and fees?

You get low cost, commission-free and efficient order management in FX. The market being extremely liquid, partial fills and slippage is nothing to worry about. As a nice bonus, you do not need to pay any data fees a real-time data is for free.

5.     Do you ever enter a position that just doesn’t seem to follow the pattern you are trading?

FX makes an ideal market for charting and pattern trading from 5min to Monthly charts because of its consistency. It is a cruise-ship type of market – once it starts moving, it is not easily turned around. Strong and smooth trends over extended periods of time are not uncommon.

6.     Do most of your trading candidates seem to move together — and not offer setups on a frequent enough interval?

Most currency pair prices move independently. There is no overall index, or sector, that influences price changes. The Price Patterns tell the Story and one only needs to listen to what they have to say – then trading becomes not only fun, but easy.

7.     Does your net worth decrease when your home country currency weakens?

This is a risk that US-based investors are facing as the USD should weaken considerably over the coming decade. FX offers the ultimate way to diversify your net worth and hedge your country-risk to it. Hedge a weakening currency or profit from it by trading it rather than simply watching it fall.

8.     How often do large, swift price moves surprise you and you can’t “get out of the way” quickly enough?

Due to the huge size and liquidity of FX, price movements tend to be smoother than in most other markets (pronounced gaps or even price slippage are uncommon). This makes FX the ideal asset class to trade both big size as well as learn how-to-trade it (with a small account).

9.     Do you think you understand Tharp Think principles and wonder how to put them to use?

Tharp Think principles apply better to FX than with any other asset class. You can position size very well even when trading a very small real-money account.

10.   Whether you are a long-term trend follower, a fundamentals analyst, or a pure technician, does your preferred approach not work so well in your preferred market? Do so-called successful strategies not seem to fit you?

Out of any asset class, FX allows you the most flexibility to choose a trading style and a timeframe that fits you best.

Forex Trading Workshop

March 24 2021 Van Tharp Trading Institute Forex Trading Systems Streaming Workshop

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